1. Only coaches can be on the court during a match. Parents must stay outside the fenced area.
2. Only coaches can bring food, water, etc. to a player. Just give anything your child needs to one of the coaches, and we will get it to him/her right away.
3. There cannot be any contact between parents and players during a match, even if it's only to ask if they need anything. That is an automatic disqualification if a coach were to enforce the rules. Again, simply tell one of our coaches and we will get the message relayed.
4. Please refrain from cheering in the middle of points. Enthusiasm is great but when play is still live, any cheering can be a distraction to both players.
5. You can always applaud nice shots. The rules never discourage that and neither do we! If an opponent makes an error, however, cheering should not take place. Examples of opponent errors are double faulting (missing both serves), hitting a ball into the net, or just hitting a bad shot. You can applaud when our players ace a serve, or return a shot that cannot be returned. Good etiquette means you can also applaud when an opponent makes a great shot, too.